Mesafeli Satış Sözleşmesi



1.1. İşbu sözleşme, Tüketicinin detaylı olarak yaptığı ürün ve hizmet satışına ilişkin 6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun ve Mesafeli Sözleşmeler Uygulama Usul ve Esasları Hakkında Yönetmelik hükümleri gereğince tarafların hak ve yükümlülüklerini belirler. Satıcı tarafından işletilen adresinden (bundan böyle WEB SİTESİ olarak anılacaktır) aşağıda bilgiler verilmekte ve ürünlerin teslimat adresine teslimi sağlanmaktadır.

1.2. Tüketici, satışa konu mal veya hizmete ilişkin temel nitelikler, satış fiyatı, ödeme şekli, teslimat koşulları ve “cayma” hakkı hakkında bilgi sahibi olduğunu, ön bilgilendirmeyi elektronik ortamda teyit ettiğini ve ardından mal veya hizmeti bu sözleşme hükümlerine uygun olarak sipariş ettiğini kabul ve beyan eder. web sitesinin ödeme sayfasında yer alan ön bilgilendirme ve fatura bu sözleşmenin ayrılmaz parçalarıdır.


  • Name: Envar Yazılım Bilgisayar Ltd Şti A.Ş.
  • Address: Anafartalar Caddesi 80/3 Ulus Altındağ Ankara
  • Tel: +90 312 338 50 00
  • E-posta: [email protected]
  • Customer Services: +90 542 122 83 82


  • Name surname / Title:
  • Delivery Address:
  • Telephone:
  • E-mail:
  • IP address:


2.1. This agreement was concluded by the parties on [insert date], the date when the order of the Consumer was completed on the WEBSITE, and a copy of the contract was sent to the e-mail address of the CONSUMER.


3.1. The details of the products and services ordered by the consumer, the sales amounts including the taxes and information about the number are listed below. All of the products listed in the following table are hereinafter referred to as the Product.

VisualProductUnit priceNumberVAT amountSales price


4.1. The Product is delivered to the delivery address specified by the Consumer on the WEBSITE or the person/organization at the address indicated by him/her in the latest 30 days, packed and together with the invoice.

  • In the event that fulfilling the act of the goods or services subject to the order becomes impossible, the seller notifies the consumer in writing or in the Consumer Data Saver within three days from the date of learning of this situation and returns all payments collected, including the delivery costs, if any, within fourteen days (14) at the latest. Non-existence of the goods in stock is not considered impossibility of fulfilling the act of goods.

4.2. If the product is to be delivered to another person/organization than the Consumer, the SELLER shall not be held liable if the person/organization to be delivered will not accept the delivery.

4.3. The consumer is responsible for checking the product at the time of receipt and when he/she sees a problem arising from the cargo in the Product, not accepting the Product and getting the courier company officer take a statement down. Otherwise, the Seller shall not accept any liability.


5.1. The consumer accepts, declares and undertakes that, since forward sales can be made only by credit cards of banks, the Consumer shall confirm the relevant interest rates, default interest and relevant information; and provisions regarding the interest rate and default interest will be applied within the scope of the credit card agreement between the Bank and the Customer pursuant to the provisions of regulations in force. Credit/installment card and similar payment facilities provided by institutions giving credit card, installment card, etc. such as banks and financing institutions are the possibility of a loan and/or installment payment provided directly by the related institution; The product sales which are realized within this framework and in which the Seller collected the relevant amount fully shall not be counted as installment sales in respect of the parties to this Agreement, they are cash sales. The legal rights of the seller in the cases deemed to be installments sale by the law (including the right to terminate the contract and/or claiming remaining debt to be paid together with the default interest, in case any of the installments are not paid) are available and reserved. In case of default of the consumer, a default interest of 5% per month is applied.


6.1. The consumer agrees that he/she read and is aware of the preliminary information regarding the basic qualifications, sales price and payment method and delivery of the products which are shown on the WEBSITE have read and informed the basic qualifications, sales price and payment method and the preliminary information about the delivery and gave the necessary confirmation for the sale in the electronic environment.

6.2. By confirming this agreement in electronic environment, the Consumer confirms that he/she has accurately and completely obtained the address, basic features of the products ordered, product prices including tax, payment and delivery information and information about the right of withdrawal.

6.3. The seller is responsible for delivering the product subject to the contract in a sound, complete manner, in accordance with the specifications specified in the order and with the warranty documents and user manuals, if any.

6.4. The seller may supply a different product at the same quality and price to the Consumer before the contractual performance obligation expires.

6.5. If the seller fails to fulfill the contractual obligations in the event that the fulfillment of the product or service subject to the order becomes impossible, the seller shall inform the consumer before the expiry of the fulfillment obligation arising from the contract and supply a different product with equal quality and price to the Consumer.

6.6. For the delivery of the product subject to the contract, it is obligatory that the signed copy of this agreement is delivered to the Seller in electronic environment and the price has been paid by the Consumer's preferred form of payment. If the product price is not paid or canceled in the bank records for any reason, the Seller shall be deemed to have been released from the delivery of the product.

6.7. In case the Bank/financing institution to which the credit card is used belongs does not pay the Product to the Seller for any reason after the delivery of the product, the Product shall be returned to the Seller by the Consumer at the latest within 3 days, all expenses shall be borne by the Consumer. All other contractual and statutory rights of the Seller, including the follow-up of the Product price, shall be reserved in any case.

6.8. If the fulfillment of the ordered goods or services becomes impossible, the seller shall notify the consumer in writing or through permanent data storage within three days from the date of learning of this situation. All payments collected, including delivery costs, shall be refunded within fourteen (14) days from the notification date. The unavailability of the goods in stock does not constitute impossibility of fulfillment.

7- Product Delivery Processes

7.1. The product shall be delivered to the delivery address specified by the consumer on the WEBSITE, or to the person/organization designated by the consumer, within thirty days at the latest, securely packaged along with its invoice. In case the fulfillment of the ordered goods or services becomes impossible, the seller shall inform the consumer in writing or through permanent data storage within three days from the date of learning of this situation. All payments collected, including delivery costs, shall be refunded within fourteen (14) days from the notification date. The unavailability of the goods in stock does not constitute impossibility of fulfillment.

7.2. If the product is to be delivered to a person/organization other than the consumer, and if that person/organization refuses to accept the delivery, the seller shall not be held liable.

7.3. The consumer is responsible for inspecting the product upon receipt. If any issues due to shipping are observed, the consumer should refuse to accept the product and have the courier company officer document the issue. Otherwise, the seller shall not accept any liability.


In accordance with the relevant provisions of Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 and Distance Contracts Directive:

8.1 In distance contracts concerning the sale of goods, the consumer has the right to withdraw within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt without stating any reasons and without incurring any penalties. However, the consumer may exercise this right from the conclusion of this Agreement until the delivery of the goods. To exercise the right of withdrawal, it is sufficient to notify the seller or the provider in writing or through permanent data storage. To facilitate the withdrawal process, customers must complete the return slip sent to them with the product and return the product to the courier company with the return slip.

The determination of the withdrawal period is as follows:

a) For products subject to a single order: the day when the last item is delivered to the consumer or to a third party designated by the consumer,

b) For products consisting of multiple parts: the day when the last part is delivered to the consumer or to a third party designated by the consumer,

c) For contracts in which goods are delivered regularly over a certain period: the day when the first item is delivered to the consumer or to a third party designated by the consumer.

8.2. The consumer's right to withdraw does not apply to contracts concerning:

a) Goods made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized,

b) The supply of perishable goods or goods with a short shelf life,

c) The supply of sealed goods which are not suitable for return due to health protection or hygiene reasons and were unsealed after delivery,

d) Goods which are, after delivery, according to their nature, inseparably mixed with other items,

e) Sealed audio or video recordings or sealed computer software which were unsealed after delivery,

f) The supply of a newspaper, periodical, or magazine with the exception of subscription contracts for the supply of such publications,

g) Accommodation, transport of goods, vehicle rental services, catering or services related to leisure activities, if the contract provides for a specific date or period of performance,

h) Digital content which is not supplied on a tangible medium if the performance has begun with the consumer's prior express consent and the consumer has acknowledged that they lose their right of withdrawal once the contract has been fully performed,

i) Services for betting and gambling,

j) Goods and services, the price of which is dependent on fluctuations in the financial market which cannot be controlled by the seller or service provider.

8.3. If the consumer exercises their right of withdrawal, the seller or provider is obliged to refund all payments received, including negotiable instruments, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date the withdrawal notification is received, without any charges.

8.4. Tüketici, malın niteliğini, özelliklerini ve işlevini tespit etmek için gerekli olanın dışında bir elleçleme sonucu malda meydana gelen değer kaybından sorumlu tutulamaz.

8.5. Tüketici cayma hakkını kullanırsa, satıcının ön bilgilendirmede iade için belirtilen kurye aracılığıyla malı iade ederse, malı iade etme maliyetini üstlenmez. Satıcı ön bilgilendirmede iade için bir kurye belirtmemişse, tüketiciden herhangi bir masraf talep edilemez. İade için ön bilgilendirmede belirtilen kuryenin tüketicinin bulunduğu yerde şubesi yoksa, satıcı tüketiciye ek bir maliyet yüklemeden malın iadesini sağlamakla yükümlüdür.

8.6. Tüketici, satıcının malı teslim almayı teklif etmemesi halinde, cayma hakkının kullanıldığını satıcıya bildirdiği tarihten itibaren 10 (on) gün içinde malı satıcıya iade etmek zorundadır.

8.7. Mesafeli Sözleşmeler Yönetmeliği'nin 15. maddesinin 1. fıkrasında belirtildiği üzere tüketicilerin kendilerine özel hazırlanan ürünlerde cayma hakkı bulunmamaktadır.

8.8. "Kargoya Teslim" aşamasındaki siparişler teslimat aşamasında iptal edilemez.

8.9. "Kargoya Teslim" aşamasındaki siparişlerde müşterilerin, ürünün kutusunu açmadan kargoyu kargo firmasına iade etmeleri gerekmektedir. Madde 8.1 hükümleri saklıdır.

Cayma işleminin şirkete bildirilmesine ilişkin bilgiler aşağıdaki gibidir:

Title: Name: Envar Yazılım Bilgisayar Ltd Şti A.Ş. Address: Anafartalar Caddesi 80/4 Ulus Altındağ Ankara Tel: +90 850 840 51 36 Email: [email protected] Customer Services: +90 850 840 03 51


9.1. İşbu Sözleşmeden ve/veya uygulanmasından kaynaklanan her türlü uyuşmazlığın çözümünde satıcı kayıtları (bilgisayar-ses kayıtları gibi manyetik ortamlardaki kayıtlar dahil) kesin delil teşkil edecektir. Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığınca belirlenen değere kadar olan uyuşmazlıklarda Tüketici Hakem Heyetleri, bu değeri aşan uyuşmazlıklarda ise tüketicinin yerleşim yeri ve satıcının bulunduğu yerdeki Tüketici Mahkemeleri ve Alacak Tahsil Müdürlükleri yetkilidir.

9.2. Tüketici, bu Sözleşme'de ve ayrılmaz parçası olan Sipariş Formu'nda yazılı tüm koşul ve açıklamaları okuduğunu, satış koşullarını ve diğer tüm ön bilgileri aldığını, incelediğini ve kabul ettiğini beyan, kabul ve taahhüt eder.

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